Toronto / Places, 1996


So often over the years I would find myself looking for inspiration elsewhere. Off I would go to India, England, France, Bali, Germany, Taiwan, you name it. Today I am still unable to pinpoint the motivation that led me to create the Toronto Series. However, at the time I felt compelled to look in my own backyard.

Places, late 1990's,  took me on a road trip through France. It had been a decade since working at the Toronto Sun Newspaper and I was still interested in photo reportage. I had just finished my in-studio work with the SX-70 camera, The IRIS Prints and I was now interested in working with this saturated palette and painterly technique en plain air, a French phrase that literally means in the open air. No longer using a 35mm Nikon and black and white Tri-X film I wanted to venture out of my studio into nature to investigate and capture the effects of a more naturalistic light and shadow. 

All photographs available for purchase at multiple sizes. Please inquire for sizing and pricing.